Health & Fitness, Diseases, Alzheimer's & Dementia
Caregiver's Survival Toolkit
Go from Surviving to Thriving by Pamela C Spahr
Don’t struggle! Ease and Tranquility are your Caregiving Rights. Insight! Impact! Results! INSIGHT: Discover the impact of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease on the family unit. Gain insight into what the patient experiences. IMPACT: Learn...
All is Well
by Ruth M Johnson
Read and enjoy. This book is for people living with the effects of memory loss. Family, friends, and caregivers will be thrilled with this straightforward and beautiful tool to support continued communication and connection. This publication is a...
Jagged Pieces Along the Road to Dementia by Dr. Brenda Triplett
Age gracefully “Miss Hilda” did not. She fought like hell: dug in her heels, kicked, stomped, and cussed all the way to dementia. As her caregiver and advocate, the author became Mommy all at once to a stubborn toddler, sexually precocious...
Brilliant Bob - My Husband with Alzheimer's Disease
Our Love Story by Sue Lehr
This book is about our life before and after Alzheimer's Disease invaded and how, over the subsequent ten years, we did our best to fight, learn, adjust and live with this heinous disease as it progressed. Using the Seven Stages of Alzheimer's...
Mom, Twice a Child
by Marilyn R. Duncan
What happens when a lifelong caregiver needs caring for? As Baby Boomers become elders, this heart-wrenching question is one that many North American families are grappling with every day. This timely volume is part memoir, part roadmap, written...